Why is Fall a great time to invest in your Landscape?
There are many reasons to do this at any time as it increases personal enjoyment and also adds to your overall property value. But…beyond that, Fall has it’s own reasons for you to take that step.

Frontier Landscaping explains why…
Planting trees and shrubs in fall so that you can reap the benefits come next summer. Success rates are much higher this time of year and maintenance required is lower (since the rain and cool temperatures keep roots moist), and so this is a great time to invest in your landscape.

Turf Health

The fall fertilization is what allows your turf to look beautiful next spring. This is the single most important application of any cool season turf program. (Fescue is considered a cool season grass.) Fall is also the best time for seeding, aerating, de-thatching, and soil health applications.

Color Accents

The fall cycle of installing color is the most under-utilized season and it shouldn’t be. A well-designed fall flower pot planted in September can last until December, which is every bit as good of an investment as summer flowers. Or… A color planter could utilize some of our conifers and other evergreens to last throughout the year…Many additions are possible and add greatly to the value of your Landscapes.

Plant Installation

Landscape plantings are such a gratifying addition to any property. Many people assume if they don’t plant in spring, that they missed their window of opportunity and that’s that. This is another false assumption. Fall temperatures are ideal for planting. Plants are less likely to stress after planting in fall. Fall is also when tree inventories are at their most fresh as a rule. When planting in the fall, there is a greater assurance of success with your selected plants.

Landscape Maintenance

During fall, our Frontier landscape Maintenance crews begin the process of dividing perennials, clearing leaves, fertilizing plants, and pruning for structure. The cooler temperatures also mean that shearing of hedges can commence without the risk of burning the plants. This active maintenance season sets your landscape up for a beautiful spring. If you have sensitive plants, additional mulching can occur to insulate roots and crowns. Without this care, much of the landscape won’t thrive the following year, so taking care of your plants in the Fall helps to ensure a robust and lush season come spring.

Contact us to schedule an appointment and get started on your fall planting